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Onlinebandit Vulture
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Detailed info
Username:cenika, 101 years
Member since:
Online status:Offline, last seen 23 hours ago
I play mostly:Backgammon - played 67720 times
My homepage:www.youtube.com/cenikaisl

Latest activity
21 hours ago
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Loser against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Loser against the computer

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2 days ago
Painted Yatzy

Game Won / Lost Best score
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Backgammon39274 / 2813385
Yatzy18008 / 12240483
Painted Yatzy15870 / 8375613

Profile for cenika


The stupid neither forgive nor forget, the naive forgive and forget, the wise forgive but do not forget.

Thomas Szasz

... I WAS .............
........ HERE .........

You are a good boss dear Cenika :) xxxx love you soo much
Happy Birthday Cenika! Hope you have a fabulous day! <HUGS>
Thx so mush hun. It's been a plessure helping you. And I'll do it again any time... Love U and your team *hug*
i love your roses. but blue is my favorite rose. god bless you cenika. talk to you soon. thank you for being my friend.
nice music at ur youtube !!!
hey whats up girl
Cenika do you know of any good christian books I can read? I get so bored during the day when Ben is not with me. Please leave me a guestbook if you do. Thank you.
i luv this pic gave me a great laugh for the day!! ty
Hi Cenika how are you
Wish u a very Happy Birthday hun - hope u have a exiting day *hug*
I am thinking about coming back
Well I have to let you know I won 2013 Best Typist Award ... Remember me lol????
Hi Cenika! How are you doing? I hope you have a great weekend! :)
Hi Cenika this is Leanna from a long time ago. Don't know if you remember me how are you doing?
Merry Christmas Cenika, and thank you for making my experience on OB a very pleasant one your the best!!!
Hi nice see you!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Happy Bday!!!!
Hi hunniiiii .... I miss you ..
Hope all is well... hugs and kissess
I was here checking up on you :) Miss you! hugssss
I Love Your Profile Picture...lol
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D:D:D

heyyyyyy im just here to wish you and your family a very merry christmas and a happy new year and i hope everything goes good for you and your family in 2011 :) xox
i wish you and yours great holydays and a happy new year loves andrea
Happy Bday, Dear Cenika!

I wish all the best always!

And ty for be here in Online bandit Maestra de Maestros.. You make the site grow and always you have a minute for listen me and all!


Elizabeth y Familia
an optimal player backgammon
I detonate every time we play
one day learn to play like you
Hei just want to say, very nice Roses & Sceleton :) Life & Death!
omg.. i take your profile .. jajjaja
Merry x-mass hun,i wish you all the best for you and your familly!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas
and a fantasic New year in 2010
Merry X-mas to you Cenika:)
Happy Holidays hun.
Thank you for putting up with me, and thank you for all you do to make this site what it is today...
Love and best wishes
You've been there for me
through the good times and bad
I know I can count on you
to be there when I'm sad

Life without you
just wouldn't be right
I wouldn't be able to get through
each day and night

When I've had a bad day
I know that you're only a call away
When life takes that crazy turn
You are always there to help me learn

We've had so many good times together
I know we'll be best friends forever
No matter where we are
I know we'll never be too far

You're my idol, my sister, my friend
We'll be together till the end
Even when we're old and gray
You'll be here still,
to help me get on my way

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Have fun and eat some stuffing for me! Best wishes and thanks for keeping this site safe, clean, and fun! Luv ya!
A friend is someone who reaches out for your hand...
and touches your heart. This is you for me my sweetie and much more....love you
just to wish you many happy returns of the day
hope its a good 1 xxxx :)
Love the picture. hope you are well and everything is ok for ya..
Interesting picture!
Have a nice life!
Hey boss ;) Awesome skull picture u got there :0)
Somehow in this great big world
I found my way to you
My friend across the computer lines
my heart, my soul, that's who.

You try to make me smile
with the mail you send my way.
You never fail to drop a line
each and every day.

Whenever I have hurried home
with something, I must share,
I find it just so comforting
that you are always there.

Encouragement you give me
and a friendship that is true.
I'm glad my soul while reaching out
when ifound someone like you...
_____%%____ %%%__%____%
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______%%___________________ %%
_____%%___________________ __%%
_____%%____________________ _%%
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_______%%%________________% %

nice pictures of roses have a good day hun
beautiful roses hun
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."- A. Einstein.
Thank you very, very much for sharing your youtube creations with me.
Sunandsea - Nicole.
omg rofl too funny i bet you feel that way a lot
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. - Albert Einstein

Have a good day ;-)
Virtual world. Real feelings. True friends.
I am very proud of having you as my friend.
Happy Easter my friend :)
Looks great hunni :-)

Hag Samech~~

Eohevet :)
Cenika, ur pic r BEE-UTIFUL!!!!! keep up the good photos! Vgl2u on OB!
hey babe .- please give me guestbook :-D
Hi Cenika,
Long time it seems theres no see or hear and speak from you ...lol So hello from me 2 you.
you tube is it on home page . good won
a) i adore that picture no wiat a) hiiii lol c) a very interesting quote :0) and d) Bye :p
hey cenika just wanted to say ty for being my friend n always being there for me ur like a sister to me hun ur sweet kind n very funny ty for being sooooo sweet u always make me laugh when we play games with eachother pls stay the way u are i love ya hun
One Day Maybe when i will Have a kids they will not know the word: WAR.... One day.....

Thank you for been there for me!

BIG hugs!!
Shabat Shalom Cenika!

I love the quote. It's very true.
Hope they will come....
quiet days on us...

Jah Bless
Hiya cenika.. just dropping by to wish ya a happy hunnuka !!! have fun
Merry Christmas Cenika and Happy New Year :)
just passing by to say Hi and Hugs :0)
I wish you and your family a Merry Chirstmas,Happy New Year.

merry christmas my dear and have a safe and happy new year
Hi Cenika,

I wish you and your family a merry Christmas.
And i want to thank you for making me an admin.
Have fun and TC.
Happy Holidays Hunny! I hope the Christmas Season brings much love, laughter and joy to you ! xoxoxo
Hi Cenika,
Me and My Family would love to wish you the Safe and Happiest
Hoildays Ever!!
Becki Lou
Hi Cenika.

Merry Christmas. Hope You are fine *smiles*

Love Mat
Happy Birthday!! May you have so many you lose count....
Love youre outlook on life, tysm, it really is relevant in my life as we speak. Tysm......*smiles*
Thanks for everything i really appreciate you. I like your qoute I'll try to rember it.
Im here, maybe i can write a lot of words.. but one resume all: THANK YOU for all those years, You are thinking in all of us, here in Bandit site.
You make this site grow!

Thank you for always have time for anyone... Bandit have your sign.

Love you

Hi Cenika, absolutely gorgeous photo of the little girl with the amazing eyes - as they say "the eyes say it all". Thanks for all your help, trickstar :)
Cenika I love this picture , you always have the nicest pictures on your profile :)
Shana Tova hunni :)
Happy New Year!!!

Shalom Cenika, ¡Amor a mi hermana!
oh my oh my what a picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!! niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
you got bugs crawling on your page!!!! oh my lol you are the bestest !!!
ooo i can see all you written in that little notebook...Thanks for saying nothing but nice things about me:P muahs
cenikaaaaaaaaaa, my bestest buddy how are you??
ahem ty :p lol
Wow what a holiday Cenika !! Thank you so much for sharing your holiday snaps.
=-o omg i so love flowers.. all bugs do lol
nice seeing yuo once in a while tc have a great summer
Hawain pig lol
Boooooo hehehehe
Hey. moodygranny told me to tell ya to look at my profile picture. She says she realli likes it. If you cant read it.. ask me I will tell yaz.
Hey huni ...

just stopped by to say Hellooooooooooooooo

Luv ya Kellie
I have finally fixed that error..i great;y appreciate your help..thank you very much
hahaha, burros!!!
woot woot those are skulls weee nice ones w8 w8w amazingly nice ones :0)
ty for accepting my profile:)
Are they new skulls - was sure you had different ones a few days ago. Do you have a collection of skull pictures? Very interesting. Certainly got my grey matter working trying to figure it out.
I just love Robert Frost...thank you so much for sharing. thanks,
same priniciple yes hear see speak no eil but i dunno sth bout those skeletons its intriging to look at it agin and again.....

Well Excellent choice of picture...

p.s. i am a bit of a skeleton passionate hehe
hiya cenika, Just wanted to stop by and tell you HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! xxxxxxxx

Your Friend,
hiya hun xx
hiya cenika i hope you have a very merry xmas and a happy new year
bye hun xx xxstaceyxx xx
Cenika my wee hunni !!
Thanks for a lovely friendship through out this year, may you and your family have a merry christmas and a very safe new year...xxx Muaaaaahhhhh xxxxx
i wish you an yours a very merry christmas an a happy new year
loves grannyandrea
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..(__,_) .(__,_).. Merry Christmas!!!
happy xmaas hope u have nice time xxx
Thanks for the Season's Greeting...The same back to you.
ok that quote does not make any sense to me :s :s
Hi cenkia Hope you and your family have great christmas!
thank you Cenika merry christmas and a happy new year to you :>)
Thank you for the Penguin Christmas Greeting Cenika - Happy Holidays to you and your family from ours .... xxxx
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family
thank you and merry christmas!
Hey Thanks for the greeting!
thank you for the greeting. From my family to urs we are wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
thanks for the greeting and I will u the best this season and next!
Hallo Cenika,thanks for the greeting hope you have a very Merry Christmas !!
Thank you so much Cenika for your greeting. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - let´s all feel freedom and happiness like the penguin. Best wishes from Jette / Denmark
Wishing you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.... hugs Noreen :)
Thank you for the greeting cenika and I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas and new year :)

thanks for the greeting , and have a happy merry christmas and a sfe new year. ty
ty 4 the X-Mas greetings hun...I wish you all the best...Hugsssssss and xxxxxxxxxxx from Mystery
xo for all you do
hahaah now you got bugs in your machine hahahahaaha gotcha.. you are such a nice person on the site i appreciate all you do keep up good work
Hey Cenika.... Just wanted to stop in and say hello...You are a great person.... You are very nice..... Well I will drop back by soon! Hugssssssssssss xoxox

Your Friend,
showing some love :D *hugs* xxxxxxx
hehe ob orcks lmao yes but the absolute cenika was a needed msg as well ;) hehehe
Hello Cenika, .....Just popped in to say I always enjoy ur profile pictures & the cute little sayings :) And yes I think all the new features added in Ob are very cool :) . please pass the word 2 all that helped tysvm for a very cool ---> OB !
Ur friend always ninapepsi
Hey Cenika I really like you as a vip. And you have always been a good friend. I will keep throwing you out the window if you keep being nice . Love ya debbie
Luv the new site tys for all of ur hard word.......... ur a great boss ....tys moody
Hi Cenika....I 've only been on OB for a couple months, but I think you are the greatest. I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving Day.

I love all the roses on your web page. Just beautiful.
hi hope you are having a great day!!!
Happy Birthday to a great person, Hope u have a lovely day
take care love ya lots
lisa xx
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Happy Birthday Hun Hope you have a nice day!!! huuuggsss

Your Friend,
Hapy B-day Cenika!!!! I hope you have a good day and get everything you wanted.
So VERY happy birthday sweetie!!!!!!
Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday

Love and health to you and family :)))))))))))))))))))

Take some day-off today ;)

(((((((Cenika))))) Love ya hun! You rock! It's been great getting to know you. You are an amazing woman!
Cool as eggs my lovely! doin a great job xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi my friend i see u like roses n u one of them t.c
Damn this is BIIIG brother for real now!
But if someone could make it come to this, it s you babe;)

Allways enjoy, when i am talking to you- so nice and fun!

Your the best :-)

Love you girl:)

Big hug and kiss from denmark
i think now after almsot a year i have to say sth serious to you dear Cenika...


and like my sister says keep up the good work ;)
ty vvg for comeing to ob i love yr and the site
Woow i like Ob so much ty for comeing

Hugsss Cenika, I stopped in to see you! I hope you are doing well.
Gmar Hatima tova hunni.
i dont see ya on and i have ot get ready!!!
see you soon hun
Zom Kal :)
Shana tova cenika :)
happy jewish new year :D
:o i change me mind i like the Budha better than the penguins :p

goes with ur quotes as well;)

Just wanted to tell u that the pics are awesome!
Yayyyy you put my skeletons backkkk!!!

Weeee they are so awesome!!


You are greatest here and alot of helping me and others. ;) I am glad to be TD and be around you and others. This OB is fun. :p hehehe. I luv you! :)

my sweetie friend,
Hihihih those penguins are adorable :p
oh b4 i forget again thnx for the videos lol it nice when u spoil us :d
Hey hun....
Even we are like 10 min from each othder...lol
i want to say hello :P
I like to talk to you :-)
and i know u understand me more then my psychologist ...LMAO
Hi ya hun....

Thought i would leave ya a message .....

your Amazing hun..
Luv ya

even though i bug ya u know i lub ya lol....
what a nice profile !

ohh mg really coool
Cenikaaaaaaaaaaaa me again to bugg u lol

nahhhhh i just wanted to say thnx for all the help hope to get to know you better by time sorry if i cause u trouble too lol

well thats it so byeeeeeeeee :d
Hey hun
Hello Shalom from littel Israel :P
Cenika i won in Bg tourney today ...yayyyyyy
Now its writing there that i won in 1!!! Can u write like 4...or 5....
LooooooooooL :D:D

Beee nice...!!!
hey U pmsl
just dropped by to say hello hunni and wish u luck :P

U are a very good person you know lol

Your Trout Spammer
Shadowdance XXX
hey cenika....your a great person and im glad im a TD on this site we need to play some more bg together hehe
keep up the great work we love ob amy and moe
cenika cenika cenika.. wat would we allll do without u .... keep our guestbook for starts!!! =O lol jkjk =P thankyou for bein such a kind and caring person and helping *all* of us in our time of need hehehe (id like my money in cash thanks)

luv ya!!
ur king..
*** love the pic*** I love this site my house has showed how much lol tys for all ur help moodygranny
weeeeee... found ya..
Cenika!!! you are one lovely lady and I want to thank you for being so good to me.
I like you hun,. a great deal.. I myself are very careful of letting people to close to me but find you so much like myself in some stuff... thankyou once again for being so nice..Lynny
i went 2 italy ob with yr name n said english in lobby pls lol ......... love u aky
Love your new picture...hehehehe
Hugs and kisses!!!
Miss you!!!
was here but u are off.
Ob kissess to ya ;-)
vvvn 33 tourneys won ty 4 all the great tourneys
You're... My friend,
My companion,
Through good times and bad, My friend, My buddy,
Through happy and sad,
With happiness, With smiles,
With pain and tears,
I know you'll be there, throughout the years!
All my love Harm
Thanks You!
Great pics cen! :P!
hahah where do you get them?
hug and kisses!
Cenika...tysm for trying to keep this site an enjoyable site..smiles..Jamie
Agree to much Whining!...
wow a perfect pic thats fits with a lady with such wisdom...ur the greatest !!
lol Cenique "Think Before You Say It" lmao I think you try to tell us something pmsl

Hugzzzzzz (<3)
hahaha amazing pic Cenika sth tells me u had enough of whining hehehe

ty for keeping this place cool and nice :d
i love this pict...

Hug you!
Ha ha ha great pic hun! xx
hey cenika the greatest
Ouch, the Confucious saying gave me a headache and made my left eye twitch. ;)
I like so much this picture...(hug)
Hey koukla ty for being here and ty for not kicked me everytime i asked for help lol!

Take care be always ok :))

I loved you web page beautiful... thanks Vicki
lol Cen, Good One and very sweet!
shalom Cenika, i want my guestbook and stuff backkkkk!!!
I love this one...:) cute Elephants..!
this scary me.. but other good one.. hehe
Wow someone should buy those piggies some brand new bras..LOL very cute pic and I love ur rose pics =) Keep up the great work here...I know its not easy!! *Hugs*
Good question Hmm ... hehe.. i dont want know if im one of this frog lol
So. . . which frog am I?
Better yet, which frog are you?
hehehe :) love the picture
I like much your collection..

What are you trying tell us?

Philosophy of life?

I like this too!

Cenikaaaaaaa (<3) :D
Cenikkaaaaaaa!!!! I got a special pie just for you!! Thanks for bein a great friend for as long as we have known one another on this site!!!
«.•°.¤HAPPY NEW¤.•°•.»
«.•°•.¤ YEAR ¤.•°•.»
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Wishing you a very Merry Christmas hunnie. Luv ya ur friend always nina :)
hi gfff
merry xmas and happy new year to you and your family

keep on smilen

loves ya
Just stopped by to wish u a Merry Christmas and a happy new year =)
Cenikaaa!! Just to say thanks for bein you and bein the best at runnin this site!! Am glad to know you for this long and hope it continues!! Love ya!!
Happy Birthday Cenkia!!
Happy Birthday Cenika:)
Happy Birthday Cenika you obviously love roses and so do i
hope you get beautiful ones on your special day-Love ya-Shazbboooo xxx
Many happy returns cenika have a lovely day xx
Happy Birthday Cenika :D
Hope u get a great day

Cenika, I got my shirt today, thank you!! But I guess XL in Dnmark is some different than the women in Texas, lol. Hugs and thank you for all that you do. Can you get a decal so I can put it on a shirt that will go around the mountains of Texas?
LOL!! (no joke) Love, Pam
Great personal web site Cenika :)
Hi, from the SWE OB!


(OB-time: 20-10-2006 12:05:55)
love ya hunnyyyyy xxxx
hello thank 4 every thing looking after me lol loves u hunni
your 1 in a million
love you
Hello there ;-)
I wve you roses
tymv of being one for the best people on ob
Ty for being so kind, friendly and always ready to help me :)
You are sweeeet :)
Wish you always the best :):)
just wanted to say ur doing a good job on ob keep up the good work ur such a nice lady glad i got the chance to know u
Hi Cenika!!!
Love your pictures hun...
Keep up the good work at ob int.
Hugs from Nene
Heeej Hun;)

Just wanted to say hi and give you a BIG hug;)

You are great:)

Kiss from Agnes
Hello Cenika
I love your pictures of flowers hun :) And wanted to say it's Great knowing you hun , I still say (Ob a day, keeps the Doctor away) ..hehe ;)
I always enjoy coming into Ob because it has speacail people like you !! :) Luv ya ur friend always ninapepsi
This is a beautiful Profile.... Keep up the good work... You are a great person and we all love you.... Thanks Cenika for everything . Jersey
have the highest respect for you...you're a very classy lady....caring and understanding....most of all a true friend to all who cross your path....ty:)
Keeeeeep up the good work Cenika :) I have always appreciated your work for OB!


Cenika you do a wonderful job here , Thank you.
Hi Cenika girl. Nice to see you in your profile. Have always a nice day.
Happy Easter hun, you have done a gr8 job here keep up the good work,and i luve the pic, (Hugs)
Happy Easter hun
Hey hun... keep up the great work here :D
hi good girl
Throws a pie at Cenika!! Woo hoo love them pies!! Nice pic, don't you look maavoulus!! Love ya!! "OB a day keeps the DR away!"
Hi hun nice pic :)
I lov ya Cenika and thank you for listening to me hugs and kisses on the cheek Lov Vickie
when i come here, a lot of year ago.. we only play, in this time i discovered one MASTER... with the time i discovered the woman who is inside of you.. im glad you give me the honour to be your friend... i learn a lot with you..about.... and now you are my leader here in OB...OMG i need to learn so much...yet!
i love to be in your vip team.. The best VIP TEAM!!!
luvin da pic cenika pmsl..nd those roses r lush;)
awesome roses Cenika
heyyy bad CENIKA lmaoooo we luv ya huni...
i like this so much... on big kiss to you my dearly friend!!
woow, i like so much this new system...
Hey hun xxx cool profile ... thanks again xxxx
what a delightful pic you have :)